Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis on an Alcohol Advertisment

The advertisement here is clearly trying to persuade its on lookers to purchase their alcohol. They are most defiantly using pathos in this advertisement. They use and attractive women in a flash outfit to convince male on lookers that it is a suitable drink for them. I think by putting her in a martini glass, it somewhat symbolizes a sense of cuteness. I think this appeals to the female audience. The author of this advertisement is obviously three olives vodka. The audience for this piece would be any consumers of alcohol. This picture has a sense of classiness to it, so I think it also appeals to those who want to consume an alcohol of higher class. The purpose of this advertisement is to persuade its on lookers to want to drink this beverage. Once again by using this clever picture of an attractive women the martini class, its attracting both men and women.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I think Animal Rights needs to be made stronger in the US. Now I am not arguing that they should have the same rights has humans for instance, I just think their rights need to be more humane. First of all I think animals should be treated with full respect. I don’t think they deserve to be hit or tortured in any manner. Recently, on Mar 11, 2008 Cullman County sanitation employees took care of several injured puppies that were found severely beaten and covered in blood, and in a dog food bag in front of a residence garbage pickup (The Cullman Times). If this were a case involving human babies it would have been handled more seriously. There would be teams of police force looking for the criminal that committed this crime. Considering, how this incident was involving only animals a report was filed by the Sheriff and the puppies were just nursed to health. There was no further investigation on who committed this act leaving the criminal free to injuring more innocent animals. I also find it very inhuman to eat animals. I understand that people may argue that they were put on earth for us to eat them, but what makes us as people any different. It is against the law for humans to eat other humans. Also, you don’t commonly see people going around eating cats and dogs because they have feelings, well so do cows, chickens, pigs and even fish. Animal testing is also another huge matter that needs to be addressed. People who have new products tested on them are compensated for their bodies, but animals have no choice. Scientists constantly use animals as test subjects giving the innocent creature no choice. If the product is faulty or dangerous, it could result in death for the animal. Could you ever see a scientist doing that to a human? In general, I think Animal Rights needs to be perfected in the United States, giving animals a safe and beneficial life.

Gay Marriage Should Be Legal In The US

I think that gay marriages should be legal in every state across the US. America, is said to be a free country, but by restricting a person on who they are allowed to marry, its taking away from that freedom. By making gay marriage legal it would ensure that all citizens enjoy full human rights. I personally don’t understand how allowing to people of the same sex to be legally bonded together, could cause harm to our country. Its a choice made by two individuals that should have no affect on the people around them. All though people may argue that by allowing gay marriages in the US it would be breaking all the traditional values and traditional forms of family life. But, right now America seems to be all about change, I mean for the first time ever we have an African American man running for the President of our country. If America is about change right now, they should be more excepting of gay marriages. I also think that if gay marriages were legalized they should receive the same celebration and benefits that all married couples receive. They should receive all employee benefits being offered to people with domestic partners. I personally think that the reason gay marriages have been illegal for such a long time, is because people in America are too scared to open up to change and except something new. I think if the values of loving everyone for the person that they are not matter what, was taught to people early in life, people in this country would become a lot more excepting to a plethora of matters including gay marriages.