Thursday, February 28, 2008

Synthsis Idea Propsal :)

For my synthesis paper I would like to pick apart the story, The Allegory of The Cave and synthesize it with the song I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash. Although both very different purposed they do surprisingly share some common similarities. The Allegory of The Cave is simply about prisoners being contained in a cave. They know nothing about the world outside of their cave, they can see shadows of objects projected on the cave walls in front of them, and since knowing nothing else they believe what they see is reality. One day a prisoner become free of the cave and is liberated to see the outside world. He then becomes enlightened seeing that the world outside is much different than the silhouettes he was introduced to on the walls of the cave. The song I Can See Clearly Now could have different meanings to different people. Johnny Nash basically talks about how a person has overcome pain and suffering and obstacles in their life, and there now able to see clearly. To me this song and relate to the story The Allegory of The Cave in two ways. For one these people are chained into a cave, I feel that they would experience some kind of suffering or confusion, maybe frustration to understand, that what they see on the walls could be reality. Then when the prisoner who is able to free himself out of the cave, he gets through the pain and suffering, he can “see clearly now”, he is free from all costs and is able to experience the outside world for himself without holding back.

1 comment:

mjt89 said...

I love the 2 kinds of text that you are using for your synthesis paper. I think its a great idea. hope the paper comes out good.