Thursday, January 24, 2008

Smoking Please

The picture shown here has Joe Chemo, Camel Cigarettes’ mascot. It shows him very ill and connected to an IV. He looks depressed. The author of this advertisement is obviously a health promoter, trying to influence the public or community to not smoke, showing that it makes you ill. Many anti-smoking campaigns show repulsive images to basically scare the public from the use of cigarettes. The audience to this advertisement is clearly the public, focusing most on those who are smokers, and will be able to recognize the Joe Chemo mascot. I want to also say that maybe it is supposed to somewhat appeal to a younger audience, only because I personally think that Camel uses Joe Chemo to somewhat entice a younger audience to their product. The purpose of this article is to show the negative affects cigarettes can have on a person. It is to convince the public to not smoke or even to quit if they have started. The advertisement was made to help promote health and protect the community of the dangers of cigarettes.

In this ad uses mostly pathos appeal. It almost makes its audience feel sympathy for the ill Camel shown in the picture. It also can also make the public feel a sense of fear, the fear of smoking and becoming ill. This picture can also ignite some anger, in some of the audience members who are smokers and who completely disagree, with that fact that smoking could possibly make you sick. It also adds some humor, i mean seeing the spokes person for an actual cigarette brand deathly ill, is almost ironically funny. Although pathos is almost the center point for this ad, it does somewhat ironically use ethos and logos. It uses ethos in the fact that at the bottom of the ad it says, that the surgeon general warns that smoking is a frequent cause of wasted potential and frequent regret. So it is somewhat giving the surgeon general credit to this ad It uses logo in a way by using Camel's mascot as their mascot for their campaign as well. All in all in some way of form all 3 appeals were used in this advertisement.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

I like how you draw attention to the fact that irony is at the core of this ad. It causes people to question that original response to the smooth joe camel" wearing his shades and being cool. It also causes us, as an audience to think about how pathetic we can be to be influenced by a cartoon camel.